SEGURA Consulting LLC, serving as subcontractor to Tetra Tech, Inc., took part in the implementation of a five-year contract to provide technical assistance to USAID Colombia. Under the single-award Consolidation and Enhanced Livelihood Initiative-Central Region (CELI-Central or RESPONDE) Program, Tetra Tech and SEGURA Consulting supported USAID in its efforts to strengthen the Colombian government, increase access to justice, and improve delivery of basic infrastructure and services.
Consolidation was at the heart of the Government of Colombia’s strategy. Consolidation is an attempt to gain lasting control over large portions of rural and remote Colombia where the population is victimized by conflict in the absence of an established political order.
The basic premise of the CELI-Central contract was that armed conflict and the illicit economy are inextricably linked to weak state presence. Therefore, project activities sought to strengthen state presence as the government of Colombia recovers territory and creates a minimum level of permanent territorial security.
As regions became more secure and the government of Colombia established its presence, activities under CELI-Central transitioned to support medium and longer term interventions such as sustainable livelihoods, the stabilization and reintegration of conflict-affected populations, improved governance, and increased access to justice. In these more consolidated areas, interventions continued to facilitate the provision of basic services, increase licit livelihoods, and strengthen local institutions. In areas where permanent security was already present, long-term sustainable livelihoods and governance activities were given increased priority.
Technical Areas:
Governance & Institutional Reform;
Infrastructure & Environment
Latin America and the Caribbean